Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Listen to my new voice. My friends still can't believe it's me. Click on the start button at right. Turn up your volume. This is so cool.

Let's talk about a basic fact of human nature: People form opinions about you before thy actually get to know you. If you are aware of this, then you should make sure that the first impression you leave on people is favorable to you.

Did you know that your voice is one of the primary controllers of how you are perceived by others. Yes, your voice can actually open doors for you that you never thought possible.

You can come across as shy ,timid or reserved,or worse - insecure- or you can come across as assured and confident.
You can even make people instantly trust you simply by the sound of your voice.
When you open your mouth to speak for the first time, people who are listening to you begin making value judgments about you.

You can control your voice timbre and as a result, control your future to an amazing degree.

Mike London has a breakthrough technique for developing a deep rich voice quickly. Check it out Here.

Your vocal chords are simply muscle fibers that act much like the strings on a piano or guitar.
If you learn how to control the environment in the vocal chords, you can have complete power over the sound quality they produce.

There is a secret routine that can change the condition of the entire vocal area.
Discover a way to speak that turns heads and captures attention.
Learn the proper breathing sequence to change the timbre of your voice..
Learn a vital posture enhancement for changing the depth of your voice.

You'll learn that as your voice deepens and becomes crisper, your audience automatically pay you more respect.

A survey indicated that women are attracted to men with deep voices 85 percent more than to men with small or normal voices.

( I believe this now. You won't believe it until you try it for yourself.)

If you want to demand attention and respect from those around you, get a deep authoritative voice quickly by following Mikes secret breakthrough method. I promise you'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life. I speak from my own experience.

Click Here and get your amazing new voice.

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